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Algae Biodiesel - Free listings

Algae biofuel research and development company.
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OriginOil, Inc. is developing a breakthrough technology that will transform algae, the most promising source of renewable oil, into a true competitor to petroleum.
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Sapphire Energy has built a revolutionary platform that uses photosynthetic microorganisms to produce a renewable, high-value replacement for fossil fuel petroleum.
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Algae Biomass Organization is pleased to invite you to the inaugural international summit on algae biofuels.
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This newly released work called Making Algae Biodiesel at Home is the quickest and easiest way to learn how to make algae biodiesel. Inside this comprehensive work you’ll get over 550 pages of gold-mine info. Absolutely everything anyone interested in algae biodiesel would need. If you’re the type that loves a challenge, then keep reading…
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Algae Biofuel Research

BioMara: aims to demonstrate the feasibility and viability of producing third generation biofuels from marine biomass. It will investigate the potential use of both macroalgae and microalgae as alternatives to terrestrial agri-fuel production.
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LiveFuels is a national alliance of labs and scientists dedicated to transforming algae into biocrude by the year 2010.
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Algae Biofuel Resources

Biodiesel from algae oil – information, news, links for algal fuel, alga bio-diesel, biofuels, algae biofuel.
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Algae Bioreaction Equipment Manufacturers (Photo-bioreactors)

Closed algae growth systems with integrated central light rods stimulating growth in a controlled environment.
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Developer of algae bioreaction systems that can convert the CO2 and other greenhouse gases in your smokestack flue gases into clean, renewable biofuels, such as biomass, biodiesel, or ethanol.
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Modular algae cultivation bioreactor systems, can be built and operated on a massive commercial scale, creating the opportunity to produce a cost effective alternative to traditional oil supplies. Their patented algae strains are a great oil source, capable of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and contaminants from waste water.
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Microalgae contain lipids and fatty acids as membrane components, storage products, metabolites and sources of energy. The chemical compositions of various microalgae are shown.
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U.S. Energy Dept., company partner to seek cost-effective production.

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Examining the possibilities of producing biodiesel on the scale necessary to replace all petroleum transportation fuels in the U.S.
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Algae production CO2 boosted, introduction. (YouTube, 5 min.)
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