We are mfg. installer of Solar PV systems, Solar thermal, small wind turbines, hydro power equipments.
Renewable energy solutions to remote areas. Renewable energy system rentals, solar water pumping, …
Husk Power Systems potentially can provide power to millions of rural Indians using a proprietary technology that cost-effectively converts rice husks into electricity.
HLF’s main objective is to improve the quality of life of the remote population of the Himalayan region via the introduction and use of environmentally friendly renewable energy technologies.
Stichting Pico Sol is een onafhankelijke vrijwilligersorganisatie die zich inzet voor kleinschalige toepassingen van zonne-energie in derde wereld landen.
Founded in 1984, Enersol is a non-profit charitable organization developing and introducing sustainable energy solutions for rural communities. By supporting the use of clean, renewable solar energy for health and education applications in Latin America, we are committed to demonstrating that it’s possible to improve the quality of life in rural areas of developing nations around the world.
The Solar Electric Light Fund, Inc. (SELF) is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1990 to promote, develop, and facilitate solar rural electrification and energy SELF-sufficiency in developing countries.