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Concrete Domes - Free listings

Premier contractors of monolithic concrete domes for churches, schools, industrial and residential customers. Provides design, design/build and construction management services.
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Concrete Domes – Builders – International

Domos & Bioconstruccià³n puede acometer proyectos industriales, viviendas residenciales, o edificios de utilidad pàºblica donde ademà¡s de diseà±o se busquen grandes ahorros en la construccià³n, la factura energ©tica y el mantenimiento a largo plazo.
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Reinforced concrete dome builder.
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Concrete Domes – Builders – USA

Contractor with concrete dome building experience.
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Contractor for monolithic dome building. Portable, underground, residential, commercial domes.
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Builder specializing in shotcrete (sprayed concrete) whose focus is concrete homes. Qualifications include building complete concrete dome homes from ground to a finished product as well as building the shells of other domes.
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Concrete domes for industrial, school, … uses.
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Builders of residential and industrial domes.
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Concrete Domes – Resources

Networking tool for monolithic dome builders, owners and enthusiasts.
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Resources, education, building, equipment, workshops…
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