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‘Going Green’ Blogs

A mom’s journey to green living. Stories about a mom who decides that going green is important.

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Alternative, Clean Energy Blogs

The mission of R-Squared is to discuss a cornerstone of our society: Energy. I am very concerned that we are stumbling into the future unprepared for the formidable energy challenges ahead.

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Relevant energy issues for a sustainable future.

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Notes on the coming energy crisis and renewable energy technology.

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Talk largely about energy and work, but also politics and other random thoughts.

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Sightings and discussions of emerging clean technologies that help us help the environment.

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Back-to-Basics Blogs

Bumbling toward self-sufficiency in the wilds of Cape Cod.
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So long big city, hello rural Michigan! For the past year and a half we have been (somewhat clumsily) trying to figure things out. Like how to get organic vegetables to grow, how to heat our house using only a wood stove, how to build a chicken coop, the wonders of composting, and what on earth all these little critters running around are….

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Resources for anyone who wants to explore the world urban homesteading, self-sufficiency or even just those who want to do a little to leave the stresses and strains of modern life.

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Stumbling self sufficiency in a small space.

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Biodiesel & Biofuel Blogs

Blog for discussing oil and biodiesel production from algae. Biodiesel in general and other alternative energy tech will be discussed as well.

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Created by the Florida Renewable Energy Association to facilitate discussion between all those interested in the development of clean, renewable energy in Florida.

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Whats happening at the National Biodiesel Conference

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Carbon Markets

The Eco Ambassador aims to increase awareness against the rapidly growing environmental pollution, promote and encourage the use of environmental friendly products and provide green living solutions. The Eco Ambassador has started its journey with the following vision and mission: Create awareness of current environmental pollution and emerging environmental issues; Promote eco friendly products and lifestyles; Provide green living ideas and going green solutions and Create and promote green communities.

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My blog provides ideas, products and tips to live a greener lifestyle.

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Trees are the best friends of human. But we destroyed them. We should take care about them. We also should know about the Trees. This is the land of trees description. You can also know about the classification of a tree.

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Provides detailed data on the solar energy market in United Kingdom in terms of potential and you can combined with a comprehensive UK-wide directory of products and Installers.

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UK-based blog about climate policy and carbon markets.

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Carless Living Blogs

“Live free or drive”

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Clean Technology, the premier cleantech site for commentary on technologies, news, and issues relating to next generation energy and the environment.

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Eco Experiment Blogs

Blog by prize-winning cameraman David Chameides about trying to reduce trash with a simple rule: no trash goes out!

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This blogger took the challenge to: “Spend each day, for an entire calendar year, doing one thing that betters the environment. The idea is that everything I do, I keep doing (so if I switch brands, it’s a permanent switch; if I turn down my thermostat, I keep it down), so that by day 365, I’ll be living as green a lifestyle as it gets.”

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For one year, my wife, my 2-year-old daughter, my dog and I, while living in the middle of New York City, are attempting to live without making any net impact on the environment.

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Eco Lifestyle

A green guide chock full of daily living tips that help save money, time and natural resources.

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Live green and save money – online source of various green tips and topics.

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Take back our kitchens! Lifestyle, recipes, tips, product reviews, art, fashion. All things green & good! Welcome back to the table!

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GreenWorld 365 is a one-stop resource for all things green filled with environmental information, eco-news, and tips for a greener lifestyle.

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[mainly Italian] The blog focusses on renewable energies, sustainable development and lifestyles. Posts are either in English or in Italian. Some links to world news are followed by comments in Italian.

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Eco Shopping

Eco friendly furniture blog. Furniture news and issues. Affordable, green, custom, made to order, furniture for less. Fighting global warming through rainforest preservation. FSC.

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2 California moms share our journeys of becoming eco-mommies & sustainable mompreneurs. Together, we are reconciling our fashion tendencies with our sustainable lifestyles.

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Encourage consumers to make greener choices toward a sustainable living by adopting recycling efforts, investing in renewable energy, and committing to energy-saving practices.

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Ecologically based creative ideas, art & green products for your children, home and lifestyle……..blending style with sustainability.

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EasyEcoBlog helps readers be green while saving more green. Easy to follow tips to help save you money today.

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Based in London, Ontario, EternalCoil features the thoughts of Aaron Robb, with daily updates on ‘going green’ news, products, marketing and personal creative insights on a greener earth.

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KwyShe is a website that promotes sustainable companies and a sustainable lifestyle .

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Ecology Blogs

Chronicles and musings of an urban field ecologist.

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Environmental Blogs

At Live Simple Eco, I offer tools and step by step guides to help you reach your natural living goals. Being passionate about reversing environmental damage, I am passionate about helping you succeed in learning how to be environmentally aware and reducing your carbon footprint.

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Environmental Blogs - Free listings

Environmental issues and their impact on environment. Latest News about climate change, global warming, energy resources, pollution, Natural Disasters and other global issues.

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Get Renewed and Electricified with the Green Living Guy who Knows the Humor in real Green News. The Green Living Guy, Seth Leitman is Editor of the McGraw-Hill, TAB Green Guru Guid.

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Sustainable living articles and resources focusing on green living. Organic gardening, self reliance, the environment, sustainable lifestyle, self employment, and social responsibility.

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Stay close to nature, even in the city. Become part of the solution to the environmental crisis, even while trapped in a cement-and-glass, power-sucking metropolis 8 hours a day.

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Features information on green technology such as wind, solar, geothermal and other renewable and sustainable alternative energy methods and devices.

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Hints, tips, news and discussion on reducing our impact on the environment.

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Research, interviews and outreach are used to spotlight creative ways that people reduce and reuse. Promotes recycling resources, information and recycled-content art and products.

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Blog with a Latin American flavor, covering everything from football to wildlife, learning Spanish to volunteer travel in Central and South America.

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GreenAnswers is a question and answer site dedicated to environmental issues like sustainability, energy, toxins, recycling, animals and nature.

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Environmental Blogs – General Issues

Sustainablog is dedicated to news, information and personal meanderings related to environmental and economic sustainability, green and sustainable business, and environmental politics.

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Urban Sprout features green news and opinion, and an organic eco directory that focuses on organic and eco-friendly products.
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A blog to help propel ‘extremism’ (!) into the mainstream: ex-treme to main-stream.
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The perks and quirks of sustainable tech.
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Thoughts on the coming of a society that is in balance with nature and the magnitude of the problems in the way; facing the reality that the present world’s population has moved beyond the earth’s carrying capacity, the looming peak in world oil production, green alternatives, and the least painful paths to a sustainable society.
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Come here to discuss and learn about Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Hydro, & Biofuels), Permaculture, Conservation, Recycling, Organic Gardening, Rain Water Harvesting and Grey Water Recovery, and other methods of living cleanly, efficiently, and leaving lighter footprints on our earth.
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Ship logs, crew blogs, action news; live from the field.
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The Earth Blog is a collection of personal thoughts, ideas and solutions in search of a future for this planet.
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Brief commentary, essays and analysis of climate change issues by Dr. Glen Barry.
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Climate Change, Global Warming, Environmental, Greenhouse Effect, Kyoto Protocol, Aviation, Sustainable Development, G8 Mitigation.
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News weblog about general environmental issues.
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Green Building Blogs

Learn, explore and share topics such as high performance building, sustainable design, innovative products, health and productivity in buildings, and design aesthetics.

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In 2002 Glen Hunter & Joanne Sokolowski started building a house. It’s straw bale, it’s off-grid. This is their story.

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ZeroCabin, recycled shipping container homes and cabins, pre-fab, eco-friendly housing, cargotecture, eco-friendly building, shipping container architecture, green building, pre-fab cabins, eco-housing solutions.

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Built, in-progress, and unbuilt green buildings in Chicago.

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Learn about advances in green and renewable building materials, current projects in sustainable architecture and progressive urban planning, and local guidelines for creating green structures in different regions of the U.S. Find current green building news, get practical tips, and learn about financial and environmental benefits of ecologically sustainable design.

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Green Cars, Hybrids & Transportation Technology Blogs

The Bike-sharing Blog provides information on the emerging public transportation mode of bike-sharing.

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Top Green Cars is a online magazine that shows that going green doesnt mean going slow. It offers a unique perspective about current technologies, alternative fuels, revolutionary concepts and cars that take environmental performance into account.

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News about hybrid cars and hybrid transportation.

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The latest about green cars and transportation technology.

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Online news, features and analysis

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Green Fuels

The Digest covers producer news, research, policy, policymakers, conferences, fleets and financial news. It is home to the Biofuels Digest Index, a benchmark basket of biofuels stocks.

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Investment Blogs

A news and commentary blog for those interested in venture capital in clean technologies.

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Less Impact & Frugality Blogs

A blog dedicated to the health and sustainability of our families and our planet.

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Lighter Footstep is dedicated to living lighter, more sustainable lives … one step at a time.

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Emphasis is on saving cash, but saving the environment at the same time: real cost of commuting, cars, how use bicycles any time of the year for anything, buying less clothes, etc – Living the good life on the cheap.

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30 years living “ultra” green- still going. How to. How not to. Why. Why not.

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Local Green Blogs

To make a real impact and create change in Miami’s environment.

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Off-the-Grid Living

Information about living off the grid, including articles, resources and blog entries about renewable energy, organic gardening, homesteading and simple living.

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Organic/Small Farming & Gardening Blogs

A small organic vegetable-growing farm in north west Wales. We also have an eco-holiday cottage, a total rebuild of a traditional stone farm building, incorporating as many energy-saving systems as we could afford.

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A taste of country living without leaving home. Food writing & recipes, farm life tidbits, news from the organic heirloom garden & greenhouse, and step-by-step progress as I create a small artisan bread bakery – all from my 240-acre remote Missouri farm.

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This journal is intended to share my love and appreciation for the hard work farmers and their families do to create such beautiful places and beautiful food. If you love good food, it all starts here.

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Permaculture Blogs

On Permaculture, country living, sustainability in action, fruit, food, milk, honey and wonders of life.

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Recycling covers the latest news, stories, trends, products and resources relating to plastic and plastic recycling.

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Recycling Blogs

All about how to end the mad plastic bag society.

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Sustainable Shopping, Design & Ideas Blogs

Finance and finding bargains, the environment, alternative sources of energy, organic and sustainable products, nutrition and technology. A major aspect of this blog will be to focus on different ways you can save money by going “green”.
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Environmental living from women’s perspective.
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All about organic, natural and sustainable clothing and eco-fashion.
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We continuously search out products that are more effective and healthier for individuals and the world.
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Interior Design, Architecture, sustainable industrial & furniture design…
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TreeHugger is a fast-growing web magazine, dedicated to everything that has a modern aesthetic yet is environmentally responsible.
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Latest news, reviews and suggestions for great consumer products which are environmentally responsible
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GreatGreenGoods is a shopping blog devoted to the green, eco-friendly, consumer. We comb the web looking for products to help you live a greener life!
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A personal blog so that others can follow my journey to become carbon neutral by changes to my lifestyle and shopping habits while offsetting any remaining emissions.
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Technology, Economy Blogs

Low-tech Magazine refuses to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution.

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Green Wombat covers the intersection of the environment, technology, business and policy.

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Serving people, planet and profit: An ‘integrated bottom-line’ approach to looking at business from the next generation of MBAs.

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The humanitarian potential is enormous, and so is the potential for misuse…can we do this responsibly?

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A group weblog discussing and analyzing tools, ideas, models, and technologies for building a better future.
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Environmentally-friendly technologies – everything you need around the house to protect the environment from electric and hybrid cars to solar panels to water-saving shower heads.
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A fresh, up-to-date perspective on the latest trends in clean tech. From renewable energy sources, to less toxic electronics and more efficient technology, Cleantechnica introduces readers to the full scope of clean technology in language that doesnt require an engineering degree.
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Vegetarian, Vegan Blogs

VeggieBoards is a forum and message board for discussion of vegetarian, vegan, animal welfare, animal rights, and environmental issues.

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A weblog about veganism and vegetarianism.

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