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A non-profit organization involved in global networking and practical training of environmental activists. It offers solutions to local and global ecological problems, and has an innovative farm design in progress. The Institute is also involved in design and consultancy work, and actively supports several aid projects around the world. Lots of articles, blog posts and forum.
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A non-profit organization started in 1977 with the aim of providing a forum for organic growers to exchange information and encourage society to adopt organic growing methods.
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Organic farming portal for the German market.
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Founded in 1973, CCOF was one of the first organizations to certify organic farms in North America. CCOF set uniform guidelines and worked to legally define organic.
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Divulgation d’information sur l’agriculture biodynamique au Canada.
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Goals: to provide a credible certification system; to provide information to producers, processors, and handlers with regard to techniques, standards, and procedures; to promote organic systems and educate the public, the government, and related agencies; and to maintain an economically viable and efficient organization.
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The Saskatchewan Organic Directorate is the umbrella organization that unites the province’s producers, processors, buyers, traders, certifiers and consumers of certified organic food and fibre.

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The Certified Organic Associations of BC (COABC) is the only government-approved body responsible for overseeing the BC Certified Organic Program. This site provides information to the COABC Producer-Processor-Handler membership as well as to the Public at Large.
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Conferences, courses and workshops on ecological farming methods, farm tours, newsletters, farm consulting, seed and stock exchange, information source for community shared agriculture projects and good fellowship.
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National Information Network for Organic Farmers, Gardeners and Consumers.
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Directory of CT farms, CSA, funding resources and support for organic farming, education.
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Eastern USA

Seeking to create working partnerships with groups who have related goals in agricultural endeavors, present entrepreneurial and sustainable agriculture workshops, and organize planning and research for a Community Food Assessment.
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Committed to sustainable agriculture and the development of locally-based, organic food systems. CFSA provides support of local and organic food systems through promotion and marketing assistance; education and advocacy efforts; and information sharing/networking.
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A resource for organic dairy farmers and organic milk producers.
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A Western North Carolina community-based collaborative focused on sustaining farms and rural communities through an integrated action program of: farmland protection, sustainable production systems, policy development and promotion of marketing initiatives.
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Educational conferences, workshops, farm tours and printed materials to educate farmers, gardeners, consumers and land care professionals.
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Florida Certified Organic Growers & Consumers is a non-profit which provides information and certification for organic growing processes.
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Local foods, sustainable farms and healthy people b those are the primary goals of Georgia Organics in redefining a food production system that benefits farmers, consumers and the environment. Georgia Organics is a nonprofit membership organization.
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A focal point for the dissemination of information on organic food and farming to producers and other interested parties in Wales.  Also: public education, public procurement, policy and strategy development, ..
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HOFA -Organic Land Practices and Organic Certification in Hawaii. Newletters, events, activities, and information.
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Independent Certification Services

We are offering independent, third-party certification services to interested producers and processors in the Midwestern United States.
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The Independent Organic Inspectors Association (IOIA) is a non-profit, professional association of organic farm, livestock, and process inspectors dedicated to verification of organic production practices. IOIA was founded in 1991 by organic inspectors who recognized the need for uniform inspector processes and protocols to build inspector skills and promote public confidence.
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International Organic Farming & Research Associations

Organic Eprints is an international open access archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture. The archive contains full-text papers in electronic form together with bibliographic information, abstracts and other metadata.
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romotes and supports research in all areas of Organic Agriculture by facilitating global co-operation in research, methodological development, education and knowledge exchange; supporting individual researchers through membership services, publications and events and integrating stakeholders in the research process.
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Demeter organizations in Europe, America, and Africa belong to Demeter International and work according to the same obligatory standards.
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The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is the membership-based business association for the organic industry in North America. OTA’s mission is to encourage global sustainability through promoting and protecting the growth of diverse organic trade.
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One of the oldest and largest organic organizations in the country, MOFGA has over 4,000 individual, family and business members and possesses extensive education, research and policy experience on a complete range of organic as well as non-organic farming and gardening issues.
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Midwest USA

Our mission is to help agriculture make the transition to a sustainable organic system of farming that is ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially just, through information, education, research, and integrating the broader community into this effort.
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New Hampshire

New Hampshire organic farm guide, resources, farm tours, CSA support.
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A membership-based, grassroots organization, dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable, ecological, and healthful food systems. Certification services.
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Oregon Sustainable Agriculture Land Trust (OSALT) is a statewide charitable organization with a threefold mission: protection of rural and urban agricultural lands from encroachment by non-agricultural uses, linking today’s growers with tomorrow’s by making agricultural lands available to future generations, research and education into the sustainable production and distribution of food, fiber and building materials.
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Oregon Tilth is a non-profit research and education organization certifying organic farmers, processors, retailers and handlers throughout Oregon, the United States, and internationally.
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Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) is a nonprofit organization working to improve the economic and social prosperity of Pennsylvania food and agriculture. We work with the farmers that grow our food, the consumers that eat the food, and those concerned with the ecological well-being of our environment and natural resources.
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Southern USA

SSAWG was founded in 1991 to develop communication between organizations and individuals invested in sustainable agriculture, to collaborate on projects, and to put farmers in a leadership role in the sustainable agriculture movement. Southern SAWG’s video series titled Natural Farming Systems in the South provides an easy, economical way for producers and information multipliers to take a virtual tour chocked full of special learning opportunities of some highly successful farming operations in the region.
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IFOAM offers many platforms for information exchange e.g. at the Organic World Congress and numerous other international, continental or regional IFOAM events. The magazine ”Ecology and Farming”, conference proceedings and other publications are also important information andnetworking tools.
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The Organic Materials Review Institute provides certifiers, growers, manufacturers and suppliers an independent review of products intended for use in certified organic production, handling, and processing.
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A non-profit whose mission is to sponsor research related to organic farming practices, to disseminate research results to organic farmers and to growers interested in adopting organic production systems, and to educate the public and decision-makers about organic farming issues.
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A non-profit alternative eco-labeling program for small farms that grow using USDA Organic methods but are NOT a part of the USDA Certified Organic program. The Certified Naturally Grownb” label is available to farms primarily distributing Locally and Directly, through Farmer’s Markets, Farm Stands, Community Supported Agriculture projects, …
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A cooperative effort of university, government, farm, business and nonprofit organizations dedicated to the exchange of scientific and practical information on sustainable agricultural systems.Calendar of Sustainable Agriculture Events
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A non-profit association of farmers, gardeners, and consumers working to promote an economically viable and ecologically sound Vermont food system for the benefit of current and future generations.
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Virginia’s premier, non-profit, educational organization, dedicated to the vision of a sustainable food and fiber system that will maintain healthy soil, clean water and thriving ecosystems, while providing quality products for consumers and economic security for farmers and rural communities.
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Tilth Producers, a Chapter of Washington Tilth Association, is the organic and sustainable farm organization of Washington State. Tilth Producers fosters and promotes ecologically sound, sustainable agriculture in the interest of environmental preservation, human health and social equity.
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Formerly known as Central Co-op Natural Foods Store, we offer a large selection of natural foods, organic produce and bulk items, meat and seafood, a deli, and much more.
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