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Against Wind Farms

International movement of concerned artists.
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For and Against Wind Farms - Free listings

Unexpectedly high numbers of bat fatalities reported at wind energy sites, especially those on ridge tops in the eastern United States, have heightened the urgency to understand problems and find solutions. The Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative (BWEC) was formed in 2003 by Bat Conservation International (BCI), the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the US Department of Energy (NREL).
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Windmills equal to 40 floors building in the open country equal to 2 millions pounds of concrete buried for ever!!
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REF encourages the development of renewable energy and energy conservation whilst safeguarding the landscapes of the United Kingdom from unsustainable industrialization. In pursuit of this goal, REF highlights the need for an overall energy policy that is balanced, ecologically sensitive and effective.
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The available evidence suggests that appropriately positioned wind farms do not pose a significant hazard for birds. However, evidence from the US and Spain confirms that poorly sited wind farms can cause severe problems for birds, through disturbance, habitat loss/damage or collision with turbines.
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A charity dedicated to the protection of rural England.
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The aim of SWAG is to stop any windfarm development on Skye and where possible help to stop any windfarm developments in Scotland.
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PEPA was formed by residents of Penicuik, Carlops and Howgate communities to protect Auchencorth Moss near Penicuik from E.ON’s proposal to build 18 (now 14) x 2.5 MW wind turbines.
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Detailed issues and actions to be taken concerning proposed wind farms on Dunion Hill, Scottish Borders.
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A guide to wind energy, wind energy development, technology and issues, photos, maps, and links.
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Citizens Opposing Windturbines is a concerned group of citizens which was formed to protect the health, safety, and well being of all citizens in regards to the Twin Creeks Wind Farm, which Navitas Energy is planning to construct in the Towns of Two Creeks, Mishicot and Two Rivers, in Manitowoc County Wisconsin.
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Industrial wind power proposal for Highland County, Virginia, and information on existing installations.
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The Glebe Mountain Group was formed to protect our 2500 ridge line from industrial development. A 3.7 mile electric generation plant has been proposed for the ridge line. ..
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Affiliated groups and individuals for education and advocacy regarding the impact of industrial wind power on the economics, natural resources, and health of Vermont.
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Stopping Cape Wind’s cape spin. Nantucket Sound wind farm project.
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The Alliance supports wind power as an energy source, and promotes many forms of renewables. However, we oppose the proposed wind power plant in Nantucket Sound due to potential adverse economic and environmental impacts, as well as the lack of an appropriate review and permitting process and the absence of federal guidelines for offshore wind energy development.
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Protect the Flint Hills is a website devoted to saving the last remaining expanse of Tallgrass Prairie on the North American continent from the destruction caused by wind turbines.
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Stop Ill Wind seeks to illuminate problems associated with the windpower industry and suggest means for correcting them. If windpower is to have a meaningful role in helping society achieve more beneficial, healthful means of producing electricity, its corporate agents and supporters must act responsibly and be held accountable when they do not.
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Wind Farms – Documentaries

This seventeen-minute video features first-hand accounts from people living near wind farms and experts in the field energy and the environment.
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