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LETS Vlaanderen vzw is het steunpunt van en voor LETS-groepen in Vlaanderen. LETS Vlaanderen is samengesteld uit LETS-leden, uit verschillende Vlaamse LETS-groepen. Samen willen zij binnen deze stichting ondersteuning bieden aan beginnende en bestaande LETS-groepen.
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In the Czech Republic the first LETS was established in autumn 1999 and nowadays there are several systems there.
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LETS in the South West of England.
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LETS Forum is dedicated to free and low cost alternatives in an increasingly money orientated world, including Local Exchange Trading Schemes and other social inventions.
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At least 40,000 people are involved in the UK’s 450 LETS schemes, most of them established according to the democratic and co-operative LETS model developed in Britain by LETSLINK UK during the 1990s.
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Fair Shares is a Charitable Trust set up in January 1998 to explore the practical applications of using time as a currency to rebuild communities in the UK.
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FREE linkup to local community exchange groups worldwide.
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