Located in Perth WA, we are planning consultants and environmental scientists. We design, and are able to construct, sustainable eco and permaculture systems for domestic and commercial clients throughout Perth and surrounding areas.
The source of permaculture vision and innovation.
Permaculture North is a group with an amazing array of skills in self reliance, energy & water conservation, qualified permaculture design and teaching. Sharing sustainable solutions with communities.
We offer a range of courses which clearly and simply explain the principles of permaculture and give you the confidence to design permanently sustainable systems which solve everyday problems with logical, positive solutions.
Permaculture education, design, and consulting from Darren Doherty of Bendigo Australia. Darren has extensive experience in permaculture including teaching with Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, co-originators of the permaculture movement.
Tagari Publications, the publishing arm of the Permaculture Institute.
Projects, courses, online store, permaculture blog.