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Clean Energy Information By State

Resource of information about how photovoltaic (PV) solar cells work, help direct consumers to distributors and installers of solar technology, provide a true representation of the financial viability of solar power and links to information about solar technology. News, events, solar installation gallery.

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Protect and manage the state’s vital natural resources, protect public health and safety, provide quality outdoor recreation and to serve and educate Delaware citizens about the wise use, conservation and enhancement of Delaware’s Environment.
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Current weather conditions in Delaware.
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Delaware wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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The Delaware Energy Office offers grants for Photovoltaic, Solar Water Heating, Wind and Geothermal renewable energy technologies.
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Applied research, education, publications, videos, community capacity building, and the creation of strategic partnerships. Work with individuals, business, schools, universities, nonprofit organizations, coalitions, communities, and governments.
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Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Current weather conditions in Florida. Current wind speed map
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Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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A nonprofit association of companies involved in the solar energy industry. Members include manufacturers, distributors, contractors, retailers, consultants, research centers, and utilities.
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Information on the renewable energy and energy efficiency research, education, training, and certification activities of the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC).
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Dedicated to expanding the use of clean, renewable energy technologies through public awareness, political advocacy, and individual initiative.
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Facilitating research and graduate education throughout the State University System in the multi-disciplinary areas of renewable chemicals and fuels. The Center provides a vehicle to solve new technological challenges amongst other activities.
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Energy sources, clean vehicles, reports, incentives
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Offers citizens one smart and simple way to care for our air, land and water. As Georgias only dedicated environmental fund, Earth Share partners with Georgia businesses and employees to support 61 leading environmental groups through workplace campaigns, Earth Day and other activities.
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The goal of is to build statewide capacity for environmental education by providing: EE lesson plans based on Georgias curriculum standards, a searchable directory of Georgia’s EE organizations and the resources they offer, a statewide calendar of EE events, EE news, and easy-to-access facts about Georgia’s environment.
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EEA works to promote environmental education by providing opportunities for member organizations, schools, and the general public to get involved through the annual EEA conference, member newsletter, environmental events posted on its website, and teacher resource directory.
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A collaborative effort among environmental and conservation organizations throughout the state to educate and mobilize their members utilizing a state-of-the-art electronic email alert system. This system is a powerful way for getting our important message to elected officials, administrative decision makers, and leaders in big business and industry.
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Current weather conditions in Georgia. Current wind speed map
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Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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A non-profit organization working to promote renewable energy in the state of Georgia through education, research and advocacy.
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The Clean Air Force is working to increase community awareness of the air quality issues. Clean Airforce is a non profit organization dedicated to helping Austin Texas with its air pollution.
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Current weather conditions in Texas. Current wind map
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Current Texas wind speed map

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The Texas Solar Energy Society is an educational organization formed to promote solar and other renewable energy applications.
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TREIA is a statewide non-profit organization of companies and individuals involved in solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and hydro electric energy products and/or services. This association is a facilitator of conferences, workshops, seminars, and tours to expose our member and the public to the latest and most useful renewable energy information.

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The Consumer Energy Center went on line in 1995 to offer the public a one-stop site on the Internet for the latest information about energy resources and how to use them wisely in our home, work and vehicles.

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Solar Austin works to accelerate the transition to clean renewable energy, building healthy communities, strong economies and energy independence in Austin.

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PACE is the largest totally volunteer organization working for energy efficiency, conservation, and benign renewable energy in Connecticut

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The Governor’s Steering Committee on Climate Change (GSC) is made up of leaders from key state agencies including the Department of Environmental Protection, Public Utility Commission, … The GSC is charged with leading a collaborative effort to develop and implement a Climate Change Action Plan for Connecticut.

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Current weather conditions in Connecticut.

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Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.

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Resource of information about how photovoltaic (PV) solar cells work, help direct consumers to distributors and installers of solar technology, provide a true representation of the financial viability of solar power and links to information about solar technology. News, events, solar installation gallery.

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Research, development and commercial deployment of fuel cell engineering and technology.

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The Institute for Sustainable Energy focuses on matters relating to energy education, energy policy, efficiency conservation and load management, renewable energy, distributed generation, protection of environmental resources, and the dissemination of useful information on energy alternatives and sustainability to users and providers of energy.

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Answers questions you may have about Connecticut energy. The related topics include Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy Options, Utility Information for Restructuring, Energy Assistance, Environmental Issues, Consumer Issues and Research & Public Policy.

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The Energy Conservation Loan Program and the Multifamily Energy Conservation Loan Program provide financing at below market rates to single family and multi-family residential property owners for the purchase and installation of cost-saving energy conservation improvements.

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Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund offers residents everything from incentives to replace energy-wasting appliances with newer, more efficient models, to rebates on energy-saving lighting products and air conditioners. For businesses, there are even more innovative programs to maximize energy efficiency, lower operating costs and improve productivity.

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Connecticut Innovations strengthen Connecticut’s high-tech economy by providing entrepreneurs with the capital and strategic guidelines they need to turn great ideas into successful Connecticut businesses.

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Environment Colorado is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that focuses exclusively on protecting Colorado’s air, water and open spaces. We speak out and take action at the local, state and national levels to improve the quality of our environment and our lives.

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Applied research, education, publications, videos, community capacity building, and the creation of strategic partnerships. Work with individuals, business, schools, universities, nonprofit organizations, coalitions, communities, and governments.

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Current weather conditions in Colorado.
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Wind maps. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Solar and wind resource map and data for Colorado.
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The Solar Decathlon is an intercollegiate competition to design, build and operate a home powered completely by solar energy.
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The Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association represents and serves energy professionals and renewable energy users. We promote the use of solar energy and conservation to improve the environment and create a sustainable future.
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Promotes the social, economic, and environmental benefits of solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, and energy efficiency technologies.
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A nonprofit membership organization that works for the sensible adoption of cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies by Colorado businesses and consumers. It holds regular educational events throughout the state.
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A nonprofit organization that promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency and green building in western Colorado and beyond.
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Your one-stop shop for energy efficiency and renewable energy information in Colorado.
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Colorado incentives for renewable energy. Financial incentives, rules, regulations, policies. Related programs and initiatives.
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A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting energy efficiency. Founded in 1990, CHEERS® was approved in 1999 by the California Energy Commission as the first home energy rating provider under the Home Energy Rating System Regulations.
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A statewide, citizen-based environmental advocacy organization. Our professional staff combines independent research, practical ideas and tough-minded advocacy to overcome the opposition of powerful special interests and win real results for California’s environment.
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Current weather conditions in California. Current wind speed maps available.
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Current California wind speed map
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Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Overview of Wind Energy. Fast Facts About Wind Energy. Map Showing Wind Potential in California.
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The Consortium provides a forum for a coordinated approach for developing wind energy systems beneficial to California’s unique topology and supports the existing wind industry by maintaining a wind database, developing a wind energy technician training plan, preparing White Papers on current industry issues, and developing a wind anemometer loan program plan.
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A not-for-profit local program to encourage more solar energy on residential, business, and public properties in Richmond, California. Solar tours offered.
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Regional chapter of the American Solar Energy Society. The organization is dedicated to increasing the intelligent use of renewable and sustainable energy technologies in San Diego County. Educate the public about the near and long-term applications and benefits of renewable energy, conservation and energy efficiency, ….
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A non-profit corporation supported by members of the wind energy industry, including turbine manufacturers, project developers and owners, component suppliers, support contractors and others. CalWEA represents its members in California’s policy forums, seeking to encourage and support the production of electricity through the use of wind generators.
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California Solar Energy Industries Association supports the widespread adoption of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems by educating consumers, supporting solar legislation and conducting business in a professional and ethical manner.
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Lists events, solar news, extensive educational resources, and a full listing of our Business members. Solar home tours. (Chapter of ASES)
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The Institute provides practical, education by example and hands-on workshops on renewable energy, green building, sustainable living, permaculture, organic gardening and alternative, environmental, construction methods.
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The California Department of Conservation provides services and information that promote environmental health, economic vitality, informed land-use decisions and sound management of our state’s natural resources.
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Beginning in 2007, the California Energy Commission will manage $350 million targeted for new residential building construction. It will use funds already allocated to the Energy Commission to foster renewable projects between 2007 and 2011. Called the New Solar Homes Partnership, it will focus on new residential construction.
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The Consumer Energy Center went on line in 1995 to offer the public a one-stop site on the Internet for the latest information about energy resources and how to use them wisely in our home, work and vehicles.
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This site provides consumers a “one-stop shop” for information on rebates, tax credits, and incentives for solar electricity systems in California. It is a joint effort of the California Energy Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission.
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Current weather conditions in Arkansas.
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Current Arkansas wind speed map
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Arkansas Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Current weather conditions in Arizona.
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Current Arizona wind speed map
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Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Photovoltaic Testing Laboratory @ Arizona State University (ASU-PTL) is a world-renowned independent PV testing laboratory. ASU-PTL is also involved in PV and Fuel Cells Research & Development.
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A non-profit trade association representing local, national and international solar companies in the Arizona market. The group’s focus is on education, professionalism and promotion of public policies that support deployment of solar technologies in Arizona. (Chapter of the Solar Energy Industries Association)
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Comprehensive site that explores various solar energy technologies, including photovoltaics, solar water heating, solar cooking, wind power, solar education materials, solar products, solar services.

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The Energy Office encourages energy efficiency and renewable-energy usage, provides energy information and policy advice, and supports reduced utility costs and improved comfort for Arizonas low-income residents. Arizona Energy Statistics
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Current weather conditions in Alaska. Current wind speed map
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Current Alaska wind speed map
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AEAs wind energy program provides information and technical assistance, wind monitoring equipment, and educational opportunities for Alaskans interested in this increasingly viable energy source.

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Wind maps. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Alaskan Villages Energy Self-Reliance Project. A W.I.S.H. Alaska will oversee the development of three projects in three communities to illustrate the viability of renewable wind, water and solar electric power in remote Alaskan communities while alleviating dramatic hardships for these native communities.
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A coalition of urban and rural Alaska utilities, businesses, conservation and consumer groups, and Alaska Natives with an interest in developing Alaska’s vast renewable energy resources.
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Manages or funds projects with state and federal funding in the areas of hydroelectric, wind, biomass, transmission and distribution, geothermal, diesel generation efficiency, and energy conservation. Projects seek to lower the cost of power and heat to Alaskan communities while maintaining system safety and reliability.

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Solar and Wind Power Systems – on-grid (SNAP) or off-grid power systems with or without batteries – generator back up systems
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Solar, water and wind energy systems and components. Heating, lighting, fans, appliances.
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An online resource center for information, pricing, and services pertaining to independent power systems. We provide consultation, down to earth technical advice, and an extensive line of high quality and field tested power system components. We live and work in remote locations from the high arctic of Alaska to the Antarctic and Greenland.
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Solar panels, alternative energy, batteries and remote or mobile power products.
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Current weather conditions in Alabama.
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Current Alabama wind speed map
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Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.

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Information on cleaner-burning alternative fuels and the alternative fuel vehicles and fueling stations that are available in Alabama. Latest news in the alternative fuel industry as well as the various activities of our coalition.
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Alabama – Government, State Programs & Offices

Alabama – Industry Associations

Information on cleaner-burning alternative fuels and the alternative fuel vehicles and fueling stations that are available in Alabama. Latest news in the alternative fuel industry as well as the various activities of our coalition.
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Alabama – Wind Energy Information – Wind Maps

Current weather conditions in Delaware.
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Delaware wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Current Texas wind speed map

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Alaska – Government, State Programs & Offices

AEAs wind energy program provides information and technical assistance, wind monitoring equipment, and educational opportunities for Alaskans interested in this increasingly viable energy source.

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Alaska – Industry Associations

A coalition of urban and rural Alaska utilities, businesses, conservation and consumer groups, and Alaska Natives with an interest in developing Alaska’s vast renewable energy resources.
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Alaska – Renewable Energy (Solar and Wind) Retail

Solar and Wind Power Systems – on-grid (SNAP) or off-grid power systems with or without batteries – generator back up systems
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Solar, water and wind energy systems and components. Heating, lighting, fans, appliances.
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An online resource center for information, pricing, and services pertaining to independent power systems. We provide consultation, down to earth technical advice, and an extensive line of high quality and field tested power system components. We live and work in remote locations from the high arctic of Alaska to the Antarctic and Greenland.
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Solar panels, alternative energy, batteries and remote or mobile power products.
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Alaska – Solar Energy Information

Alaskan Villages Energy Self-Reliance Project. A W.I.S.H. Alaska will oversee the development of three projects in three communities to illustrate the viability of renewable wind, water and solar electric power in remote Alaskan communities while alleviating dramatic hardships for these native communities.
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Alaska – Wind Energy Information – Wind Maps

Current weather conditions in Florida. Current wind speed map
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Current California wind speed map
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Manages or funds projects with state and federal funding in the areas of hydroelectric, wind, biomass, transmission and distribution, geothermal, diesel generation efficiency, and energy conservation. Projects seek to lower the cost of power and heat to Alaskan communities while maintaining system safety and reliability.

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Arizona – Renewable Energy Information

The Energy Office encourages energy efficiency and renewable-energy usage, provides energy information and policy advice, and supports reduced utility costs and improved comfort for Arizonas low-income residents. Arizona Energy Statistics
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Arizona – Solar Energy Information

A non-profit trade association representing local, national and international solar companies in the Arizona market. The group’s focus is on education, professionalism and promotion of public policies that support deployment of solar technologies in Arizona. (Chapter of the Solar Energy Industries Association)
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Comprehensive site that explores various solar energy technologies, including photovoltaics, solar water heating, solar cooking, wind power, solar education materials, solar products, solar services.

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Arizona – Wind Energy Information – Wind Maps

Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Current weather conditions in Georgia. Current wind speed map
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Current Arkansas wind speed map
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Arkansas – Wind Energy Information – Wind Maps

Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Current weather conditions in Texas. Current wind map
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Current Arizona wind speed map
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California – Government, State Programs & Offices

The Consumer Energy Center went on line in 1995 to offer the public a one-stop site on the Internet for the latest information about energy resources and how to use them wisely in our home, work and vehicles.

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Overview of Wind Energy. Fast Facts About Wind Energy. Map Showing Wind Potential in California.
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California – Industry Associations, Societies

Regional chapter of the American Solar Energy Society. The organization is dedicated to increasing the intelligent use of renewable and sustainable energy technologies in San Diego County. Educate the public about the near and long-term applications and benefits of renewable energy, conservation and energy efficiency, ….
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A non-profit corporation supported by members of the wind energy industry, including turbine manufacturers, project developers and owners, component suppliers, support contractors and others. CalWEA represents its members in California’s policy forums, seeking to encourage and support the production of electricity through the use of wind generators.
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California Solar Energy Industries Association supports the widespread adoption of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems by educating consumers, supporting solar legislation and conducting business in a professional and ethical manner.
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Lists events, solar news, extensive educational resources, and a full listing of our Business members. Solar home tours. (Chapter of ASES)
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California – Practical Sustainable Education

The Institute provides practical, education by example and hands-on workshops on renewable energy, green building, sustainable living, permaculture, organic gardening and alternative, environmental, construction methods.
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California – Solar Energy Information

A not-for-profit local program to encourage more solar energy on residential, business, and public properties in Richmond, California. Solar tours offered.
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California – Wind Energy Information – Wind Maps

Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Current weather conditions in Connecticut.

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The Consortium provides a forum for a coordinated approach for developing wind energy systems beneficial to California’s unique topology and supports the existing wind industry by maintaining a wind database, developing a wind energy technician training plan, preparing White Papers on current industry issues, and developing a wind anemometer loan program plan.
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Beginning in 2007, the California Energy Commission will manage $350 million targeted for new residential building construction. It will use funds already allocated to the Energy Commission to foster renewable projects between 2007 and 2011. Called the New Solar Homes Partnership, it will focus on new residential construction.
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Current Alaska wind speed map
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Colorado – Government, State Programs & Offices

A nonprofit organization that promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency and green building in western Colorado and beyond.
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Your one-stop shop for energy efficiency and renewable energy information in Colorado.
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Colorado – Industry Associations, Societies

Promotes the social, economic, and environmental benefits of solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, and energy efficiency technologies.
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A nonprofit membership organization that works for the sensible adoption of cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies by Colorado businesses and consumers. It holds regular educational events throughout the state.
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Colorado – Solar Energy Information & Research

The Solar Decathlon is an intercollegiate competition to design, build and operate a home powered completely by solar energy.
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The Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association represents and serves energy professionals and renewable energy users. We promote the use of solar energy and conservation to improve the environment and create a sustainable future.
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Colorado – Wind Energy Information – Wind Maps

Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.

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Current weather conditions in Colorado.
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Solar and wind resource map and data for Colorado.
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Connecticut – Fuel Cell Energy Information

Research, development and commercial deployment of fuel cell engineering and technology.

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Connecticut – Government, State Programs & Offices

Answers questions you may have about Connecticut energy. The related topics include Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy Options, Utility Information for Restructuring, Energy Assistance, Environmental Issues, Consumer Issues and Research & Public Policy.

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Connecticut – Solar Energy Information

Resource of information about how photovoltaic (PV) solar cells work, help direct consumers to distributors and installers of solar technology, provide a true representation of the financial viability of solar power and links to information about solar technology. News, events, solar installation gallery.

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Connecticut – University Associations, Clubs, Research

The Institute for Sustainable Energy focuses on matters relating to energy education, energy policy, efficiency conservation and load management, renewable energy, distributed generation, protection of environmental resources, and the dissemination of useful information on energy alternatives and sustainability to users and providers of energy.

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Connecticut – Wind Energy Information – Wind Maps

Wind maps. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Current weather conditions in California. Current wind speed maps available.
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Delaware – Wind Energy Information – Wind Maps

Wind maps. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Current weather conditions in Alabama.
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Florida – Alternative Energy – General

Facilitating research and graduate education throughout the State University System in the multi-disciplinary areas of renewable chemicals and fuels. The Center provides a vehicle to solve new technological challenges amongst other activities.
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Florida – Government, State Programs & Offices

Energy sources, clean vehicles, reports, incentives
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Florida – Industry Associations

Dedicated to expanding the use of clean, renewable energy technologies through public awareness, political advocacy, and individual initiative.
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Florida – Solar Energy Information

A nonprofit association of companies involved in the solar energy industry. Members include manufacturers, distributors, contractors, retailers, consultants, research centers, and utilities.
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Information on the renewable energy and energy efficiency research, education, training, and certification activities of the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC).
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Florida – Wind Energy Information – Wind Maps

Applied research, education, publications, videos, community capacity building, and the creation of strategic partnerships. Work with individuals, business, schools, universities, nonprofit organizations, coalitions, communities, and governments.

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Arkansas Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Wind map. Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Current weather conditions in Alaska. Current wind speed map
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Georgia – Government, State Programs & Offices

Offers citizens one smart and simple way to care for our air, land and water. As Georgias only dedicated environmental fund, Earth Share partners with Georgia businesses and employees to support 61 leading environmental groups through workplace campaigns, Earth Day and other activities.
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The goal of is to build statewide capacity for environmental education by providing: EE lesson plans based on Georgias curriculum standards, a searchable directory of Georgia’s EE organizations and the resources they offer, a statewide calendar of EE events, EE news, and easy-to-access facts about Georgia’s environment.
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EEA works to promote environmental education by providing opportunities for member organizations, schools, and the general public to get involved through the annual EEA conference, member newsletter, environmental events posted on its website, and teacher resource directory.
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A collaborative effort among environmental and conservation organizations throughout the state to educate and mobilize their members utilizing a state-of-the-art electronic email alert system. This system is a powerful way for getting our important message to elected officials, administrative decision makers, and leaders in big business and industry.
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A non-profit organization working to promote renewable energy in the state of Georgia through education, research and advocacy.
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Regional summaries of wind resource estimates.
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Current weather conditions in Arizona.
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Incentives & Financing for Renewables

The Energy Conservation Loan Program and the Multifamily Energy Conservation Loan Program provide financing at below market rates to single family and multi-family residential property owners for the purchase and installation of cost-saving energy conservation improvements.

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Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund offers residents everything from incentives to replace energy-wasting appliances with newer, more efficient models, to rebates on energy-saving lighting products and air conditioners. For businesses, there are even more innovative programs to maximize energy efficiency, lower operating costs and improve productivity.

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Connecticut Innovations strengthen Connecticut’s high-tech economy by providing entrepreneurs with the capital and strategic guidelines they need to turn great ideas into successful Connecticut businesses.

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Incentives for Renewables

The Delaware Energy Office offers grants for Photovoltaic, Solar Water Heating, Wind and Geothermal renewable energy technologies.
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The Clean Air Force is working to increase community awareness of the air quality issues. Clean Airforce is a non profit organization dedicated to helping Austin Texas with its air pollution.
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Colorado incentives for renewable energy. Financial incentives, rules, regulations, policies. Related programs and initiatives.
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This site provides consumers a “one-stop shop” for information on rebates, tax credits, and incentives for solar electricity systems in California. It is a joint effort of the California Energy Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission.
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Current weather conditions in Arkansas.
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Current Alabama wind speed map
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Related California Associations

A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting energy efficiency. Founded in 1990, CHEERS® was approved in 1999 by the California Energy Commission as the first home energy rating provider under the Home Energy Rating System Regulations.
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A statewide, citizen-based environmental advocacy organization. Our professional staff combines independent research, practical ideas and tough-minded advocacy to overcome the opposition of powerful special interests and win real results for California’s environment.
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Related Colorado Associations

Applied research, education, publications, videos, community capacity building, and the creation of strategic partnerships. Work with individuals, business, schools, universities, nonprofit organizations, coalitions, communities, and governments.
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Environment Colorado is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that focuses exclusively on protecting Colorado’s air, water and open spaces. We speak out and take action at the local, state and national levels to improve the quality of our environment and our lives.

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Related Connecticut Associations

The Texas Solar Energy Society is an educational organization formed to promote solar and other renewable energy applications.
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TREIA is a statewide non-profit organization of companies and individuals involved in solar, wind, biomass, geothermal and hydro electric energy products and/or services. This association is a facilitator of conferences, workshops, seminars, and tours to expose our member and the public to the latest and most useful renewable energy information.

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Solar Austin works to accelerate the transition to clean renewable energy, building healthy communities, strong economies and energy independence in Austin.

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PACE is the largest totally volunteer organization working for energy efficiency, conservation, and benign renewable energy in Connecticut

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The Governor’s Steering Committee on Climate Change (GSC) is made up of leaders from key state agencies including the Department of Environmental Protection, Public Utility Commission, … The GSC is charged with leading a collaborative effort to develop and implement a Climate Change Action Plan for Connecticut.

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The Consumer Energy Center went on line in 1995 to offer the public a one-stop site on the Internet for the latest information about energy resources and how to use them wisely in our home, work and vehicles.
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Related Delaware Resource Links

Protect and manage the state’s vital natural resources, protect public health and safety, provide quality outdoor recreation and to serve and educate Delaware citizens about the wise use, conservation and enhancement of Delaware’s Environment.
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Solar Research

Photovoltaic Testing Laboratory @ Arizona State University (ASU-PTL) is a world-renowned independent PV testing laboratory. ASU-PTL is also involved in PV and Fuel Cells Research & Development.
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Distributed Energy

Business Energy Weekly addresses the concerns of the readers regarding the vulnerability of their operations and facilities to power interruptions, and explores solutions for increasing energy self-reliance.
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Gireesh Heat Exchangers & Cooling Towers is one of the prominent manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of a comprehensive range of industrial process equipment. Our range includes Cooling Towers, Heat Exchangers, condenser, agitator, pressure vessels, air cooled condenser, air receiver, evaporator, filter vessels, industrial radiator, finned tube heat exchanger, U-bundle, Industrial Chillers, wooden cooling towers, oil coolers, air heater, reboiler, RCC cooling towers, Compressed Air Dryers, FRP Chemical Tank, FRP fabrication and Humidification Plant. Moreover we also offer a wide range of Wa

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An open-source project and experiment to test a method of distributed energy production. It relies on continuous participation and cooperation of an online community. We hope this community develops to both 1) build out the infrastructure of the network, and 2) provide the real-world know-how and data to support a new type of energy company.

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Distributed (Clean) Energy

An open-source project and experiment to test a method of distributed energy production. It relies on continuous participation and cooperation of an online community. We hope this community develops to both 1) build out the infrastructure of the network, and 2) provide the real-world know-how and data to support a new type of energy company.

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Distributed Energy - Free listings

Gireesh Heat Exchangers & Cooling Towers is one of the prominent manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of a comprehensive range of industrial process equipment. Our range includes Cooling Towers, Heat Exchangers, condenser, agitator, pressure vessels, air cooled condenser, air receiver, evaporator, filter vessels, industrial radiator, finned tube heat exchanger, U-bundle, Industrial Chillers, wooden cooling towers, oil coolers, air heater, reboiler, RCC cooling towers, Compressed Air Dryers, FRP Chemical Tank, FRP fabrication and Humidification Plant. Moreover we also offer a wide range of Wa

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Distributed Green Energy Magazines

Business Energy Weekly addresses the concerns of the readers regarding the vulnerability of their operations and facilities to power interruptions, and explores solutions for increasing energy self-reliance.
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General Info

Practical ways to Live Green through products and services, information, ideas and strategies. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive guide of clear choices to become carbon neutral by measuring your carbon footprint, reducing your carbon footprint and offsetting your carbon footprint through the purchase of carbon offsets.

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Comprehensive information on all forms of alternate energy sources including – but not limited to – solar, wind, water and geothermal energy sources.
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Europe’s Energy Portal. The latest information about the responsible use of energy.

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Promoting the use of green energy in the UK, home energy efficiency and the use of energy efficient appliances.

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Promotes the adoption of advanced technologies among renewable energy enterprises in China.
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Australia’s leading environmental organization promoting sustainable technology and representing community issues.
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A nonprofit organization headquartered in Madison, promotes clean energy strategies for powering the state’s economy in an environmentally responsible manner.
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REV is working within the renewable energy industry to build business networks, partnerships, and provide professional development training and support. REV is lobbying for legislation & public policy promoting local renewable energy. REV is committed to providing renewable energy education to the schools and communities of Vermont.
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The Renewable Energy Resource Center (RERC) provides consumers with information on solar hot water and solar electric renewable energy systems. In our web site you can learn about how solar electric and hot water systems work, find information on the economic and environmental benefits of renewable energy, and locate dealers and advice that can help you make better choices when purchasing and installing a renewable energy system.
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Info about renewable energy, solar tours, green energy Ohio Tour, incentives, training… Newsletter.
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The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) is the nation’s leading regional membership organization focused on promoting the understanding, development, and adoption of energy conservation and non-polluting, renewable energy technologies. We work to bring clean electricity, green transportation, and healthy, efficient buildings into everyday use in order to improve the environment, protect human health, and nurture local economies.
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A non-profit organization promoting the use of renewable energy and energy conservation in Iowa’s homes, farms, and schools. Since 1992, I-RENEW has sponsored educational programs on renewable energy and helped disseminate existing knowledge about renewables and energy efficiency throughout the state.
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Programs provide public education for both those who are learning about renewable energy for the first time and those who have made a major commitment to redesigning their lifestyles; allow communication between grass roots renewable energy supporters; and provide display opportunities for vendors, furthering their educational efforts.
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A primary advocate for the renewable energy community in Colorado.  CRES works for the sensible adoption of cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies by Colorado businesses and consumers.
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The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association works to bring clean electricity, green transportation, and healthy, efficient buildings into everyday use.
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A nonprofit network for sharing ideas, resources, and information with individuals, businesses, and communities to promote a sustainable future through renewable energy and energy efficiency.

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“The RETScreenTM pre-feasibility analysis model is a computerized generic tool developed to help an energy project proponent prepare a preliminary evaluation of the annual energy performance, costs and financial viability of potential RETs projects located throughout the world.”
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A world wide trading site for information on Energy, Fuels & Power Generation.

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The Energy Ideas Clearinghouse (EIC) has provided commercial and industrial sector energy information and assistance in the Pacific Northwest since 1990. Development of the website in 1998, allowed people anywhere to access the valuable information generated by EIC. The website includes resources on residential energy use.

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Our goal is to provide information, products, and a good discussion forum for folks who make their power at home.

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Dedicated to the advancement of thermoelectric industry, science and technology.

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CEERT is a coalition of the nation’s leading environmental and public interest groups and innovative technology companies working to develop America’s clean, renewable energy resources. Founded in California in 1990, CEERT campaigns cover a wide range of issues, including sustainable electrical generation policies throughout the West.

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“The Alliance to Save Energy is a nonprofit coalition of prominent business, government, environmental, and consumer leaders who promote the efficient and clean use of energy worldwide to benefit the environment, the economy, and national security.”
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A worldwide directory of Clean Energy related companies, organizations, products, activities, and news for Information ­ Discussion ­ Online Shopping

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Great database of renewable energy pictures.
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The RReDC provides information on several types of renewable energy resources in the United States, in the form of publications, data, and maps. An extensive dictionary of renewable energy related terms is also provided. The News section announces new products on the RReDC

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Alternative and renewable energy information library and news source. Solar energy, wind energy, hybrid vehicles and more.

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All the latest news from the solar industry.

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Promotes the adoption of advanced technologies among renewable energy enterprises in China.
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A primary advocate for the renewable energy community in Colorado.  CRES works for the sensible adoption of cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies by Colorado businesses and consumers.
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Practical ways to Live Green through products and services, information, ideas and strategies. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive guide of clear choices to become carbon neutral by measuring your carbon footprint, reducing your carbon footprint and offsetting your carbon footprint through the purchase of carbon offsets.

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Comprehensive information on all forms of alternate energy sources including – but not limited to – solar, wind, water and geothermal energy sources.
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Europe’s Energy Portal. The latest information about the responsible use of energy.

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Promoting the use of green energy in the UK, home energy efficiency and the use of energy efficient appliances.

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Programs provide public education for both those who are learning about renewable energy for the first time and those who have made a major commitment to redesigning their lifestyles; allow communication between grass roots renewable energy supporters; and provide display opportunities for vendors, furthering their educational efforts.
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A non-profit organization promoting the use of renewable energy and energy conservation in Iowa’s homes, farms, and schools. Since 1992, I-RENEW has sponsored educational programs on renewable energy and helped disseminate existing knowledge about renewables and energy efficiency throughout the state.
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Latest news about Renewable energy

Alternative and renewable energy information library and news source. Solar energy, wind energy, hybrid vehicles and more.

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All the latest news from the solar industry.

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The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) is the nation’s leading regional membership organization focused on promoting the understanding, development, and adoption of energy conservation and non-polluting, renewable energy technologies. We work to bring clean electricity, green transportation, and healthy, efficient buildings into everyday use in order to improve the environment, protect human health, and nurture local economies.
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Info about renewable energy, solar tours, green energy Ohio Tour, incentives, training… Newsletter.
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Renewable Energy – Other Resources / Assessment methods

“The RETScreenTM pre-feasibility analysis model is a computerized generic tool developed to help an energy project proponent prepare a preliminary evaluation of the annual energy performance, costs and financial viability of potential RETs projects located throughout the world.”
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Renewable Energy Information – Europe & International

Australia’s leading environmental organization promoting sustainable technology and representing community issues.
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USA – Renewable Energy Information – Regional

The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association works to bring clean electricity, green transportation, and healthy, efficient buildings into everyday use.
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A nonprofit network for sharing ideas, resources, and information with individuals, businesses, and communities to promote a sustainable future through renewable energy and energy efficiency.

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USA & Canada

A world wide trading site for information on Energy, Fuels & Power Generation.

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The Energy Ideas Clearinghouse (EIC) has provided commercial and industrial sector energy information and assistance in the Pacific Northwest since 1990. Development of the website in 1998, allowed people anywhere to access the valuable information generated by EIC. The website includes resources on residential energy use.

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Our goal is to provide information, products, and a good discussion forum for folks who make their power at home.

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Dedicated to the advancement of thermoelectric industry, science and technology.

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CEERT is a coalition of the nation’s leading environmental and public interest groups and innovative technology companies working to develop America’s clean, renewable energy resources. Founded in California in 1990, CEERT campaigns cover a wide range of issues, including sustainable electrical generation policies throughout the West.

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“The Alliance to Save Energy is a nonprofit coalition of prominent business, government, environmental, and consumer leaders who promote the efficient and clean use of energy worldwide to benefit the environment, the economy, and national security.”
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A worldwide directory of Clean Energy related companies, organizations, products, activities, and news for Information ­ Discussion ­ Online Shopping

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Great database of renewable energy pictures.
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The RReDC provides information on several types of renewable energy resources in the United States, in the form of publications, data, and maps. An extensive dictionary of renewable energy related terms is also provided. The News section announces new products on the RReDC

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REV is working within the renewable energy industry to build business networks, partnerships, and provide professional development training and support. REV is lobbying for legislation & public policy promoting local renewable energy. REV is committed to providing renewable energy education to the schools and communities of Vermont.
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The Renewable Energy Resource Center (RERC) provides consumers with information on solar hot water and solar electric renewable energy systems. In our web site you can learn about how solar electric and hot water systems work, find information on the economic and environmental benefits of renewable energy, and locate dealers and advice that can help you make better choices when purchasing and installing a renewable energy system.
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A nonprofit organization headquartered in Madison, promotes clean energy strategies for powering the state’s economy in an environmentally responsible manner.
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