Our solar trackers have been subjected to the toughest resistance and energy efficiency tests.
Universal sensory solar tracker controllers – ultra high tracking accuracy, great electrical capabilities, ultra high reliability, long expected life time, watertight…
Our main products are trackers for flat panels and concentration PV.
Tracking systems for 100- 2100 Watt nominal power, rapid assembly system for transport savings.
Dobon’s Technology is a research, development and innovation company, specialized in renewable energy and Electro- mechanical Applications. Tetra-Track: Two-axis sun tracking system.
The main load-bearing part of Traxle is an aluminum or stainless steel pipe, oriented slantwise on the north/south axis. Arms with photovoltaic panels are attached to the pipe.
Our trackers can be used for any solar tracker application . We make trackers for water pumping, remote homes, or village and industrial power. Our tracker control systems are not limited to Wattsun PV Trackers.